Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Squelching Dissent?

Well. THIS is interesting. I just checked out - the blog site for "JH Church's" Pastors (mentioned in my previous post "Any Random Volunteer").
I was correct that they are not publishing my comment / feedback about their blog post. However, I've also discovered something else - they have completely disabled comments altogether on their blog now.

To be fair, they could be trying a new template, or something glitched in the feedback system, so it may be temporarily disabled due to a technical issue, and will be back soon. However, I find it very interesting that immediately following at least two negative comments regarding their new practice of violating the Augsburg Confession, the comment feature on their blog was completely removed.

I have taken my objections to them, per Matthew 18, and they did not listen. Apparently saying "No, actually, you're wrong, and you're leading people astray" really isn't part of their ministry.
Nobody likes being corrected - I'm not saying they should enjoy it, but they should at least listen.
And, this is the same church that needed a $25,000 grant from the Synod to acquire a building to meet in, yet paid large amounts of money for some very bizarre, and very controversial billboards. (If you don't want to click - it's a video clip - the gist of it is that they paid to put billboards up that said things like "Boycott Jefferson Hills church" and "I hate Jefferson Hills church", signed "Satan".)
Most people didn't think they were effective, because they thought an atheist group put them out. It didn't get the Gospel out there. It didn't further Christ's message. It did make a lot of people disgusted with WHOEVER it was that put the billboards up, because they figured it was showing disrespect for the church. When they found out that Jefferson Hills church is the one that put them up, they were...let's just say "less than impressed".

Apparently they aren't improving with age...or wisdom.

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