Friday, November 21, 2008


The news this morning had a feature about podiatrists treating people with foot pain - and specifically, heel pain. Overwhelmingly, these people were women who were suffering from chronic foot and heel pain because of their choices in footwear. High, narrow heels with teeny weeny toe-boxes ending in pointy-toed shoes are the culprit, one said.
One woman confessed she had endured years of daily pain - many days so bad she could hardly walk - and still kept right on buying and wearing those idiotic shoes. And now she's got to have special custom orthotics just to walk - in ANY shoe.

This....this is incomprehensible to me. Willingly putting yourself through that much pain just for some stupid fashion? There are perfectly nice-looking flats and low-heeled pumps available! It boggles my mind that people deliberately cripple themselves for fashion. It's not like they need to wear THOSE shoes or else they die - no, it's just to "look good". I don't get it.

Maybe I'd "get it" if my mom had given in to my begging and pleading when I was in my early teens. Oh, I wanted those fashionable shoes too, but she said, "No, your feet are still growing and developing. I'm not going to allow you to permanently deform your feet by buying you those shoes." I got the sensible flats, with lots of room in the toes, and that did not create malformed feet.
Thanks, mom. <3 I get it now. And boy, am I ever glad you didn't let me get those shoes.

1 comment:

  1. While a lot of the horror stories about women and fashion are false, think of what women went through with the cage crinoline of the 1860's, the tight-lacing of the corset, the bustles and enormous sleeves and all the vagaries of fashion. Women have often endured pain and discomfort to fit the trends.

    Not that females are alone. Men have also worn corsets and high heels in their time. They do seem to be more sensible about comfort than some women today, however.



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