Thursday, July 12, 2007

What's this all about, anyway?

Interesting. Something I figured I'd never do : blogging. I'm horrible at correspondence, and I've tried several times throughout my life to keep a journal. It never worked. Oh, sure, I'd stick with it for a week or two, and once for 4 months straight - but that was a class assignment. But I'd always get bored with it, or have "no time" to write (really, no interest.) So when it came to blogging, I thought, "eh, whatever. Besides, who'd want to read mundane, boring stuff about my mundane life?"

Then I realized 2 things.
  1. It's not really about "writing for other people." Oh, in a way, I suppose it is - but's still all journaling. I'm just doing it on the Internet, so everydog and their human can read it. It's to organize my thoughts - and if someone is entertained, relieved, energized, encouraged, or - hey, even feels superior because they read my blog - well, great. Welcome, thanks for reading and all of that.
  2. I honestly think people like to read about the boring, mundane parts of lives. It'd be seriously depressing to go on to a blogging site, or MySpace or wherever and see nothing but Glamourous! Exciting! Posts! by Glamorous! Exciting! People! Nobody can relate to it. There's nothing there to hang on to. In contrast, it's way more interesting to read and realize that I'm not so different after all. That person has arthritis - so do I. This other person ran out of funds and can't go on the vacation they wanted - boy, can I relate to that. And so on. It's reassuring to be able to read blogs and realize that hey, I'm not so boring, after all. Sure, my life may be "ordinary", but that's really what life is. Ordinary people, doing ordinary things, to make life better for all of us.
So, unite, Ordinary People! We're not so boring as you may think!
And...yeah. Welcome to my blog.

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