Monday, August 13, 2007


Fresh veggies. Yum. I love fresh veggies. The stuff from the "fresh veggie" rack at the store is usually pretty good, but for the best taste ya gotta get 'em fresh from the garden.

So we were out on Saturday, wandering around the DeKalb County Courthouse in Auburn, taking pictures (which I stupidly accidentally deleted from my camera, so now we have to go back and do the pictures again) when we noticed the Farmers' Market. Hey, sez I, I'd like to go see what they have. Kevin, bless him, agreed that we could spare a few minutes to go "look". I'm sure he knew full well that it'd go from just "looking" to "um...hon, do you have any money with you?", because sure enough, when I said, "oooohhhh, look, FRESH BEANS!" he hauled out his change and said, "how much do you need?" He's so sweet.

About five dollars later, I was happily contemplating my new purchases: fresh green beans, 13 ears of fresh sweet corn, 2 tomatoes and 3 cucumbers. All of which Kev also very nicely carried back to the car for me. We had corn on the cob and chicken-n-tomato sandwiches 2 nights in a row - and shared both nights with friends. :) That was good. And I still have 4 corns left, that I took with me for the week, plus fresh beans. Guess what I'm sharing with my landlady this week?


  1. Remember when Marsha and I attended the Meet 'n' Greet for the first time? We stopped at the Farmer's Market and I bought some pickled beets from an Amish family. Yummy!

    This summer, I grew them and pickled them myself. :-)

  2. It somehow always feels & tastes better if you can do it yourself, doesn't it? :D



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