Thursday, November 29, 2007

Being Good Is hard To Do

I was talking yesterday with a friend about how difficult it is to lose weight. The formula's easy enough: Calories In < Calories Out. It's the implementation that's difficult.

I want something that's going to work for life, instead of being just a weight-loss "system". I want something that's going to be healthy. I want it to work, instead of "doing all the right things" for weeks on end only to find that...hey, wow, I lost a pound. Whoopdeedoo.

I want it to work without surgery. I want it to work now. I need results, doggone it. And I want to do it without having to dang near obsess about Calories, Carbohydrates, the Glycemic Index, Grams of Fiber, or Weight Watchers Points.

I want to do it with normal real food, that I can make myself, not some prepackaged expensive stuff that comes in miniscule portions with some big-name weightloss company's name stamped on it. And most of all, I want to still be able to enjoy food.

I guess that's my biggest problem, really. I enjoy food. I don't want to give up food, and I'm extremely tired of "well, if I eat this NOW, I won't have any 'extra' Points / Calories left over for that thing I wanted later." I'm tired of having to do calculations and keep records of what I eat and enter numbers into my PDA for five minutes just so I know if I can have that one snack I was eyeballing.
I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being fat, but more than that, I'm sick of trying to not be fat. Calculating and adding up numbers and worrying about if I have "enough" Points left to actually have a bag of pretzels is not normal. I don't know how I'm going to lose weight, but dangit, I'm NOT going to continue trying to do it the way I have been.
We'll come up with something, I suppose. And if we don't, well, I've been fat this long. I'm kinda used to it. It's not good for me, I know - I'd be FAR better off exercising more, eating less, and generally getting thinner and healthier. But for now, I'm just going to try to come up with something that works for me. Once I find it...I'll let you know.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I don't want to obsess over how much and what I'm eating either. I'm hoping exercise will do the trick, but it seems like just when I get started, I get sick or something else happens to throw me off.



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