Thursday, November 8, 2007

Totally and completely irrelevant

Yup, so I just decided I wanted to post something, but I have nothing to post about. So here I am, being a complete attention-ho, and posting just because I can, just to give visitors something to slog through before they get to the cool stuff, like Guy Fawkes Day (and really, who doesn't like holidays celebrating explody things? Only that sorta celebrates the non-explosion of Parliament, which I'm sure the Brits are fairly happy about, and they celebrate by making fireworks explode. No, I don't understand it either, but as far as I'm concerned, any excuse to make things go BOOM is good, so I'm all for it. Well. SAFELY, anyway. I mean, y'know, not if the BOOMS are pointed at people and intended to hurt them. That's bad.)

In other news, it smells like someone's computer just caught fire. Great Caesar's ghost that's nasty. Ooooh, hey, that sounds like someone's using a portable fire extinguisher.
Y'know, you'd think, with odors like that, and stuff, that the fire alarm would go off or something, don'tcha? Ah. Turns out the foam insulation on a water-cooler / water-heater just caught on fire. Exciting. Emergency numbers have been dialed.
Wow, burning styrofoam stinks.
I mean really stinks.

But at least nothing went boom. Which could, in fact, be bad OR good, depending on the way you look at it. And it's a good thing that it happened now instead of, say, 12 hours from now. THAT would've been messy, because nobody would've been here to notice the smoke, and wouldn't have unplugged the water dispenser, and wouldn't have put out the fire. So it would've kept burning until it caught the wallboard on fire, most likely, and then the sprinklers would've gone off and my computer and shiny new flatpanel monitor would've gotten wet and probably fried.

But still, that was nasty.

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