Monday, May 19, 2008

What do they have in common?

What do blockbuster author Stephen King and politician Mike Huckabee have in common? They both have discovered the power of the "Blogosphere". Both have made ill-advised, and perhaps ill-thought-out comments that a blogger noticed, seized on, and blogged about. And oh, the fallout.

Stephen King commented that if you can't read, you wind up in the Army, in Iraq. Mike Huckabee made a bad joke about Obama being shot at.

The big difference? When King was called onto the carpet for his words, he lashed out,tried to backpedal furiously, and then said that his words were "construed as a knock on the US Military". (statement on his website, under "a message from Stephen".) When Mike Huckabee was lambasted for HIS comments, he apologized, took full responsibility for saying what he did, and called it "ill-advised". HE agreed he shouldn't have said it, and said he'd try to do better in the future.
No backpedaling, no trying to blame SOMEONE ELSE for his words, no trying to paint it as a "well, the conservatives (or liberals) made it out to be something it's not."

I know who, of the two of them, I still have respect for.
Guess what, Mr. King. It ain't you.

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