Friday, June 6, 2008


I had my first visit to the Orthopedist yesterday. I got my old cast removed and a new one put on. This one's removable, and in fact I am encouraged - nay, required - to remove it several times a day and flex my ankle. I have never made so much effort for so little result in my life. After several flex-and-push sessions yesterday, my ankle has move approximately .0000000000001 mm. I think. Well, OK, I'm exaggerating but still.

I've been cleared to go back to work as long as I keep my leg elevated (duh). I also can't put any weight on it at all for another 4 weeks, which means that I'll be getting wheeled down the aisle for my best friend's wedding on June 28. :( Sorry, Kim. Oh well, like she said, we can always decorate the wheelchair. *snert*

My next appointment is on July 3, and I might possibly maybe kindasorta be allowed to perhaps eventually start to think about putting weight on the leg after that. Maybe.

But hey, at least I'm allowed to take a shower now, as long as we get one of those little shower stools and I take the cast off first.

Y'all, I almost passed out when they took the old cast off. Yikes. Pics below. There are 6 pics. The final 2 are of the actual incisions, so if you're kinda squeamish, don't look at those. They're nasty. I'll put in a squeam alert before them so you can close the window before you get there.

The New Cast

It's an Aircast! See the little nodule between the 2 straps on the leg? That's an air nozzle and I'm supposed to pump up the little airbags in the cast as the swelling on my leg goes down, so that my ankle doesn't jiggle around.

The X-Rays

Look at all those pins! They had to take 2 sets of X-rays because the first set didn't show everything. They hadn't realized it was that far up the leg. Well...neither did I, to be honest. No wonder the initial set at the Emergency room didn't show all the breaks!
Sigh. Sometimes I hate being "thorough and detail-oriented". Like when I apply my mad Thorough, Detail-Oriented skillz toward screwing myself up.

Take it off! Take it all off!

Squeamish peoples close the window now.
Turn away from the post.
These are not the pictures you're looking for.
Move along.

OK, hey, if you're still here, don't blame me if you squick out.

The Inside Incision

The Outside Zipper...erm...incision

Nasty, innit? I think the long lines are medical ink, not sutures. Although they did remove those yesterday, too. The nurse did an excellent job - I hardly felt them at all except for about 3. Those hurt, but it wasn't her fault. Just real sensitive areas, I guess.


  1. THAT squeemed you out? PULEEZE! *G*

    That's nothing. LOL

    Teasing you is SOOOO Much Fun.


  2. Course not! But it might squeam some people out, and I don't wanna be asponsible for people getting all grossed out over lunch or something. :D



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