Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I realized last night that I'm getting just a teeny little taste of what the people deployed to Iraq have to be feeling. For some reason, last night it really hit me that if Kev needs me to be home, for anything at all, for any reason...there's not a dang thing I can do about it. Not one. Emergency? Sorry, it'll be at least 3 hours before I can be there. Just want me there? Well, see ya in a few days.
I can't imagine what it must be like to know that hey, if there's an emergency...sorry, can't help. Need me to be home to help out with something? Ask someone else. Just want me there? Hope you'll still want me in 6 or 7 months, because that's when I can be there.

Just mind-blowing. I can't imagine that at all - and when I try, it's incredibly depressing.

To everyone who is making that sacrifice, both here and overseas....thank you. To you and your families, who are putting up with that separation for our country and others...there are no words. Nothing I can say that expresses my deep and abiding gratitude for you. Thank you. Thank you so much. There's not enough I can say; not enough I can do to express it...but I will try.
Every little bit I do to say thanks is loaded with so much thanks that I just have no idea how to express it all.

If I had the money, I'd buy you all breakfast. Since I don't, I'll continue to try to express it the only ways I can - by helping out and supporting the ones I know in the small, insignificant ways I do...and continue to look for more.


1 comment:


Grief is a silent, indisious destroyer. Grief is a noisy explosion. Grief is a dark, dank pit with no way out. Grief is huge and overwhel...