Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I want a TARDIS

Well, actually, I want a TARDIS purse. A Backpack Of Holding. Bag of Many Things. Whatever you call it, I want a purse that'll fit in my pocket (or, hey, around my waist. I'll take a belt-bag.) and hold all my stuff, with room to spare. AND I want to be able to retrieve my Stuff out of it anytime I want - and get what I want. I've been moving from bag to bag, purse to purse - I had a nice backpack one, but it doesn't fit over my coat, so I've moved back into my "Battle Bag", as Kev calls it. It's a monster-sized purse that I made myself after measuring all my "stuff" and designing a purse with "a pocket for each thing". It has something like 14 pockets - but it's a foot wide. Yeah, it's kinda on the large side. But, I will say this much, I can actually find everything I want, when I want it, without too much rustling around. AND I don't have to remove half the contents to find that one small item on the bottom of the bag.

But, y'know, it's kinda bulky. I'd like to be able to stuff it in my pocket and still have it hold all my PortaJunk. Oh, and I seriously don't believe that those "space saving purses" advertised on TV "for only $19.95 (plus forty dollars shipping and handling)" are really all that big, either. No way can you cram an entire makeup kit, a full-size "checkbook wallet", five pens, a pad of paper, a small hair-care kit, 2 kinds of medicine bottles, car keys and a pair of driving gloves in that little dinky purse the size of a (small) kleenex box AND still have room for an umbrella and a water bottle. NOT happening.

So yeah, I want a Purse Of Holding; a Battle-Bag Of Many Things. The advantage to one of those is, as any RPG-er will tell you, they don't actually impart the weight of their contents to the user. Or at least, that's what they'll tell their GM. :D

1 comment:

  1. It just took me forever to figure out who you were after you left that comment on my blog. Haha. I finally figured it out when I clicked on the weather links on your blog and "at home" was Garrett and "at work" was Indianapolis.

    It's crazy sometimes, the people who find my blog...


    Anyway, thanks for the belated birthday wishes!



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