Thursday, February 7, 2008

Why "give up" for Lent?

I read this post in the blog by Rebellious Pastor's Wife (go check it out. You'll be happy you did.) and of course it got me to thinking (yes, Virginia, occasionally I do think). Why sacrifice for Lent? What's the big deal?

I know some of the history behind it, but really, why do we still do it? I think that's an important question, and one which I'm going to wax verbose about for a few minutes. (So I'll have a shiny freshly-waxed verbose. They always look so much better when they're waxed, don't you think?)

When I was growing up, we didn't do the Lent Fast thing. Frankly, I'd never heard of it until I went to college, when I was asked, "so...what are YOU giving up for Lent?" And, to be honest, the way it was explained to me, "well...we're supposed to SUFFER, you see..." made it sound like The Stupidest Thing Ever. Why were we supposed to suffer? Christ did the work for our salvation! Me giving up caffeine or chocolate or pop or whatever certainly wasn't going to earn me any "Salvation points". God wasn't keeping score on some gigantic spreadsheet in Heaven. "Oooh, she didn't do Lent Fasting this year....guess she has to live in Heaven in The Bog Of Eternal Stench." Please. And, quite frankly, that was a bad time to be introduced to it: all I saw was people Fasting For Lent, making a big deal out of Fasting For Lent, and how much they were suffering, and ultimately either giving up their Lent Fast as "too hard; I couldn't stick with it" or majorly indulging themselves with a massive dose of whatever they gave up RIGHT after Easter. I decided after seeing that for a couple years running that no, I really didn't want to do a Lenten Fast, because from what I saw it turned you into a Big Ole Lenten Martyr. Suffering for The Cause (what cause?) and all that.

However. Since then, I've looked into it more, and quite frankly that article by Chrysostom really did express how I feel about it as well. Lenten Fasting isn't about the Fast, in and of itself. It's about getting us to focus more on God, being more Christ-like in our daily life, and striving to avoid sin. We shouldn't Fast as a means unto itself. Fasting for the sake of Fasting; suffering for the sake of Suffering, partaking in the Lenten Fast because you're "supposed to" or you "should" is really counterproductive. At that point we're focusing on the FAST, and not on the One who blessed us with so much bounty that we can fast.

"15 The eyes of all look to you,
and you give them their food at the proper time.

16 You open your hand
and satisfy the desires of every living thing."

Psalm 145: 15 - 16

"My mouth will speak in praise of the LORD.
Let every creature praise his holy name
for ever and ever."

Psalm 145:21

"Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His love endures forever."

Psalm 136:26

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