Monday, July 7, 2008

First Day of Therapy

w00t! I had my first therapy session. Now I'm all therapized and stuff. :D

He did some range-of-motion and flexibility and strength tests on me. Apparently I did very well, because he was quite pleased with what I could do. I am starting to walk with the walker, and not just hop around. It's tough going, but I'm getting used to it, and I'm so happy he specified what kind of pain was "acceptable". (A bit of an ache is OK while I'm exercising, but a SHARP pain is not.) He explained what would hurt, and why, and how and where I'd feel the exercises.

He gave me exercises for at home, and definitely approved of me using the pool to exercise in! Yay, I can go in the pool again!

I tried actually walking with the walker, too. It's slow going, but it's overall easier than hopping with it, so I'll be doing THAT as much as possible.

Yay! I'm starting to use my right leg again! Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. Yea! How cool. Glad that it went well.

    So, is getting back in the pool the same thing as getting back on the horse that threw ya?




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